Jonathan Haidt

Renowned psychologist

Jonathan Haidt is a world-renowned psychologist and Professor at the New York University Stern School of Business. He has made groundbreaking contributions to the psychology of morality and moral emotions and is the author of several famous and best-selling books including The Righteous Mind and The Coddling of the American Mind.

His most recent best-selling book, The Anxious Generation, argues the decline of free play in childhood and the rise of smartphone usage among adolescents are the twin sources of increased mental distress among teenagers.

Photo of Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt is a world-renowned psychologist and Professor at the New York University Stern School of Business. He has made groundbreaking contributions to the psychology of morality and moral emotions and is the author of several famous and best-selling books including The Righteous Mind and The Coddling of the American Mind.

His most recent best-selling book, The Anxious Generation, argues the decline of free play in childhood and the rise of smartphone usage among adolescents are the twin sources of increased mental distress among teenagers.

Jonathan Haidt is a world-renowned psychologist and Professor at the New York University Stern School of Business. He has made groundbreaking contributions to the psychology of morality and moral emotions and is the author of several famous and best-selling books including The Righteous Mind and The Coddling of the American Mind.

His most recent best-selling book, The Anxious Generation, argues the decline of free play in childhood and the rise of smartphone usage among adolescents are the twin sources of increased mental distress among teenagers.