Katharine Birbalsingh

Education reformer

Katharine Birbalsingh CBE, known as 'Britain's strictest headmistress',  is the founder and head teacher of Michaela Community School, a free school established in 2014 in Wembley Park, London.  Michaela’s last Progress 8 score placed it as the best school in the country.

Birbalsingh is outspoken in her views that smartphones should have no place in the classroom and that children need love and strict discipline to flourish in life.

Photo of Katharine Birbalsingh

Katharine Birbalsingh CBE, known as 'Britain's strictest headmistress',  is the founder and head teacher of Michaela Community School, a free school established in 2014 in Wembley Park, London.  Michaela’s last Progress 8 score placed it as the best school in the country.

Birbalsingh is outspoken in her views that smartphones should have no place in the classroom and that children need love and strict discipline to flourish in life.