Luke Robert Mason
Luke Robert Mason is a media producer and curator of futures. He has interviewed hundreds of the most well-known innovators in the fields of advanced science and emerging technology providing him with a unique perspective on how the future might unfold. As the Host of the FUTURES Podcast he meets the pioneers working to imagine the sorts of developments that might dramatically alter what it means to be human. As the Director of Virtual Futures (2011 - Present) he brings together artists, cultural theorists, fiction writers, and technologists to re-address the potential of looking at our futures through the lens of techno-philosophy. He has contributed to BBC One, BBC Radio, The Guardian, Discovery Channel, VICE Motherboard and Wired Magazine.

Luke Robert Mason is a media producer and curator of futures. He has interviewed hundreds of the most well-known innovators in the fields of advanced science and emerging technology providing him with a unique perspective on how the future might unfold. As the Host of the FUTURES Podcast he meets the pioneers working to imagine the sorts of developments that might dramatically alter what it means to be human. As the Director of Virtual Futures (2011 - Present) he brings together artists, cultural theorists, fiction writers, and technologists to re-address the potential of looking at our futures through the lens of techno-philosophy. He has contributed to BBC One, BBC Radio, The Guardian, Discovery Channel, VICE Motherboard and Wired Magazine.
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