Roger Penrose

Nobel Prize-Winner

Roger Penrose is a world-renowned mathematician, mathematical physicist, philosopher of science and Nobel Laureate in Physics. He is best known for his work on general relativity and sharing the Wolf Prize for Physics with Stephen Hawking for his work on black holes. Additionally, he is author of The Road to Reality, Cycles of Time and Shadows of the Mind.

Photo of Roger Penrose

Roger Penrose is a world-renowned mathematician, mathematical physicist, philosopher of science and Nobel Laureate in Physics. He is best known for his work on general relativity and sharing the Wolf Prize for Physics with Stephen Hawking for his work on black holes. Additionally, he is author of The Road to Reality, Cycles of Time and Shadows of the Mind.

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Roger Penrose,Iain McGilchrist,Joanna Kavenna,Nicholas Humphrey

Secrets of the Mind

Can science explain consciousness?

Roger Penrose,Hilary Lawson,Iain McGilchrist,Steve Fuller

Being Conscious

The science and philosophy of consciousness

Roger Penrose,Warren Ellis,Gabrielle Walker,Nigel Shadbolt

March of the Machines

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Roger Penrose

The Next Universe | Roger Penrose

What if the Big Bang wasn't the beginning?

Roger Penrose,Robert Rowland Smith,Joanna Kavenna,Hilary Lawson

Beyond Reality

What are the limits of our understanding?

Roger Penrose,David Malone

The Arc of Life: Roger Penrose

A biography of quantum gravity's founding father

Roger Penrose,Bonnie Greer,Andrew Copson

Awake in the Universe (HTLGI 2010)

Keynote debate. What role do art and creativity play in making us alive?

Roger Penrose,Curt Jaimungal

Roger Penrose on the blatant contradiction of quantum mechanics

Where our best theories have gone wrong

Roger Penrose,Katie Robertson

The future of cosmology with Roger Penrose

Is the universe reborn in cycles?

Roger Penrose,Jack Symes,Sam Harris,Sophie Scott

The divided self

What is the nature of consciousness?

Roger Penrose,Brian Greene,Eric Weinstein,Katie Robertson,Tasneem Zehra Husain

The trouble with string theory

Is string theory doomed?

Roger Penrose

Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?

Roger Penrose

Roger Penrose | In-depth Interview

On Gravity and Quantum Mechanics

Roger Penrose,Iain McGilchrist,Eliane Glaser,Esther Freud

Imagining the universe

Is creativity an illusion?

Roger Penrose,David Malone,Catherine Heymans,Subir Sarkar

The Universe That Wasn't There

In Search of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Roger Penrose,Sean Carroll,Amélie Saintonge

The black hole paradox

The universe's unsolved mysteries

Roger Penrose

Roger Penrose | Interview

On quantum mechanics and consciousness

Roger Penrose,Hilary Lawson,Sabine Hossenfelder,Michio Kaku

The mystery of the multiverse

Should we abandon the multiverse theory?

Roger Penrose,Güneş Taylor,Claudia de Rham,Avshalom Elitzur

Journey to other dimensions

The physics of higher worlds

Roger Penrose

From one universe to the next

An interview with Roger Penrose