
Academy pic Human Nature

The history and philosophy of human nature

Subrena Smith

Human nature continues to fascinate sociologists and philosophers alike. It seemingly tells us who we truly are, and highlights the limits of human possibility. But whilst many view human nature as governed by evolution, this may no longer be accurate. Jo

Start Date: 6th February 2024

About the Instructor

  • Subrena Smith

    Subrena Smith is one of the most exciting philosophers of biology out there who challenges our assumptions about human behaviour. Smith is currently associate professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire.

Course Syllabus

  • Part 1:: Against Nature
    What do we mean by 'human nature'? What are the major problems with it?
  • part 2:: A New Theory of Human Nature
    How should we change our idea of human nature? Why are evolutionary accounts of human behaviour misleading? What are the true limits of human possibility?