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Patent on Life

Monday 3rd April - 05:00 PM BST

Patent on Life

An exclusive screening

The process of genetic engineering is becoming more sophisticated. Inventors of new plants, drugs and life-forms are now attempting to patent their creations.

If successful the patents could lead to large multinational corporations owning the world's crops.

Get an inside look at this world-changing technology at this exclusive DOKBOX screening.


17:00 BST - Patent on Life DokboxCinema

17:15 BST - The Opening Interview: Life On Other Worlds The Lounge

18:00 BST - The Debate: The Origin of Life arena

19:00 BST - Antarctica: The Game on Ice DokboxCinema

19:20 BST - The Solo Talk: The Chemicals of Being arena

19:30 BST - Polly Paulusma stage

Patent on Life

IAI Live is a monthly online event exploring the biggest ideas with world-leading thinkers.

Each event features a headline debate, solo talk, opening interview, two cutting-edge documentaries, and performances from the best musicians around the world.

Join the millions of people around the globe debating big ideas today.