A monthly event featuring debates, talks, interviews, music and film. LIVE.

Sacred Weeds

Monday 6th March - 05:00 PM GMT

Sacred Weeds

Exclusive screening


A mind opening series showing footage of human experiences never before seen on television. In four carefully monitored experiments, volunteers take powerful hallucinogenic or narcotic substances and the viewer sees the actual effects in real time.

The substances are all legal and come from plants with a rich cultural history, plants that have been used historically in rituals around the world, but about which little is known today.


17:00 GMT - Sacred Weeds DokboxCinema

17:15 GMT - The Opening Interview: Demystifying psychedelics The Lounge

18:00 GMT - The Debate: The psychedelic revolution arena

19:00 GMT - Chasing Happiness DokboxCinema

19:20 GMT - The Solo Talk: The future of psychedelic research and therapy arena

19:30 GMT - Dream Kollective stage

Sacred Weeds

IAI Live is a monthly online event exploring the biggest ideas with world-leading thinkers.

Each event features a headline debate, solo talk, opening interview, two cutting-edge documentaries, and performances from the best musicians around the world.

Join the millions of people around the globe debating big ideas today.