Monday 9th January - 05:15 PM GMT
The Reality Beyond Spacetime
The Opening Interview with Donald Hoffman
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The Opening Interview: The Reality Beyond Spacetime - with Donald Hoffman - 5.15pm GMT, 12.15pm ET
Donald Hoffman famously argues that we know nothing about the truth of the world. His book, The Case Against Reality, claims the process of survival of the fittest does not require a true picture of reality.
But the question remains, on what basis can Hoffman claim his own theory is true? Furthermore, Hoffman claims spacetime is not fundamental. So, what does he think lies beneath spacetime, and what can we know about it?
Join this far reaching interview, getting deeper beneath the surface of Donald Hoffman's ideas than ever before.
Hosted by Curt Jaimungal, of the Theories of Everything.
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Donald Hoffman
Anti-reality theorist
Donald Hoffman is an American cognitive psychologist working at the University of California, Irvine. He is making waves with a new theory suggesting that, instead of presenting reality as it "really is", our perception is like a desktop interface enabling us to use reality effectively.
Hoffman's book, The Case Against Reality, fleshes out the notion that we do not perceive reality objectively, and argues for a mathematical, rather than spatio-temporal, model of reality.
"One of the deepest and most original thinkers of his generation” – Steven Pinker