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existential therapy

The existential cure for the mental health crisis

Why existential therapy works

Emmy van Deurzen
Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula PIA09178 copy

Stephen Hawking's radical final theory

Why Stephen Hawking changed his mind about the observer

Thomas Hertog
if scale is the answer what is the question danyal akarca

DeepSeek exposed a fundamental AI scaling myth

If scale is the answer, what is the question?

Danyal Akarca
hegel and the proof of times reality

Time's arrow is not an illusion

Hegel and the reality of time

James Sares
the universe is unknowable from within 3

The universe is unknowable from within it

Is this my spacetime or yours?

JB Manchak
big bang

The Big Bang theory is not the only game in town

The universe may be eternal

Martín López Corredoira

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Deep Field James Webb min

The Big Bang didn't happen

What do the James Webb images really show?

Eric J. Lerner
23 02 28 Time existed before the Big Bang.dc

Time existed before the Big Bang

Time is fundamental, space is not

Lee Cronin
24 03 08 quantum physics disproves naturalism3

Quantum physics and the end of naturalism

The need for transcendent reality

Bruce L. Gordon
Space Time is not Fundamental min

Spacetime is not fundamental

The reality deeper than spacetime

Donald Hoffman
quantum mechanics and consciousness min

Consciousness is irrelevant to Quantum Mechanics

An Interview with Carlo Rovelli

Carlo Rovelli
stephan quintetmedium

Dark Matter Doesn't Exist

Cosmology's collective delusion

Pavel Kroupa

The Universe & RealityArrow Head

Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula PIA09178 copy

Stephen Hawking's radical final theory

Why Stephen Hawking changed his mind about the observer

Thomas Hertog

Time's arrow is not an illusion

Hegel and the reality of time

James Sares

The universe is unknowable from within it

Is this my spacetime or yours?

JB Manchak

The Big Bang theory is not the only game in town

The universe may be eternal

Martín López Corredoira

New theory of black holes solves problem of dark matter

The evaporation of three cosmic mysteries

Phillip B. Levin
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Life & The LivingArrow Head

Medical trials are not the whole truth

Medical trials are not the whole truth

The potential and limitations of evidence-based medicine

Trisha Greenhalgh

Your genes do not define you

When chance, not reason, steers science

Gregory Radick

How to make gene editing ethical

Gene editing, space travel, and the end of suffering

Samuel McKee

Did Schrödinger solve the mystery of life?

We can’t find life without knowing what it is

Samuel McKee

Culture is driven by evolution

Biology's false binary

Ruth Mace
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Technology & SocietyArrow Head

if scale is the answer what is the question danyal akarca

DeepSeek exposed a fundamental AI scaling myth

If scale is the answer, what is the question?

Danyal Akarca

Machiavelli and our obsession with the new

Understanding the politics of duration

Francesco Erspamer

The false religion of transhumanism

The AI death cult ruling Silicon Valley

Àlex Gómez-Marín

The internet is making us inhuman

Changing your world doesn't mean changing the world

Nicholas Smyth

AI is a tool, not an agent

The challenge will be to keep it that way

Narain D. Batra
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