Dunkin' Democracy

Party differences don't change underlying policy.

Politicians and commentators make a lot of noise about their points of disagreement. But such disagreements are typically trivial. Should the top rate of income tax be 50% or 45%? Should we have slightly more council houses or slightly fewer? Precisely how should the management of the tax-funded, free-at-the-point-of-use NHS be arranged?

The current disagreements between the Conservative Party and the Labour Party are no greater than you would expect between factions within a single, centre-left party. After five years of a Conservative-led government, state regulation of industry continues to grow, the national debt continues to increase and government spending is 44% of GDP, higher now than in the last year of the previous Labour government.

David Cameron has said that his guiding principle is: “Those who can should, and those who can’t, we will always help”. This is simply a clumsy restatement of the Marxist slogan: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

It may seem incredible to hear a Conservative prime minister espouse such an idea, but his actions provide no reason to doubt him. On the contrary, we have every reason to take him at his word. For it is practically impossible for any politician to deviate far from Mr Cameron’s avowed Marxist principle.

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Yamoos 25 February 2015

Ahhh, the triumph of our 'Democratic' Capitalism- Monopoly whose
"object is the same as the human race in general ... i.e., the accumulation of wealth.” leading to
"poverty and squalor ... on full display in the country’s urban centers."

Yamoos 17 February 2015

Who, Who ,Who wrote the book of lov... er um, Doom? Or better, who didn't allow that record to be known about?


It's all Good though, as we yanks and ozzies get so much redeeming entertainment value out of your differing class based accents in those pommy docudramas.

Yamoos 17 February 2015

Whatever smidgin of democracy y'all now have, what with theTPP and TIPP treaties coming into play, even that bit will go the way of the mast of the commons and will leave us at the mercy of supra national decisions made by corporate schmoos. Any conflict between shareholder profit maximization and national regulations will be mediated by an insider tribunal. The rebuttal to Monbiot (below)seems to evade questions of self determination, rather holding out the fantasy carrot of more money for Everyman.

Yamoos 17 February 2015

I expect something like philosophy here not libertarian polemic dang it, annoying . Coming from my georgist leanings, I would point out that in Britain 0.6% own 69% of the land.
Democracy Schlemocracy, you guys gotta aristocracy while across the pond we gotta oligarchy,