
new cancel culture2

The Evidence and the Solution to Culture Wars

Eric Kaufmann

Cancel culture has become a central talking point in modern life, causing a growing divide within friendships, families, and societies. Join Eric Kaufmann, who explores the options for escaping our current divisions.

About the Course

Cancel culture has become a central talking point in modern life, causing a growing divide within friendships, families, and societies. In this course, Eric Kaufmann examines the political implications of this tension and explores the options for escaping our current divisions.

By the end of the course, you will have learnt:

  • The origins of the culture wars
  • How the culture wars affect our elite institutions and professions
  • Why the culture wars benefit those on the right, but not the left
  • How we can tackle the culture wars, and overcome our current divisions

IAI Academy courses are designed to be challenging but accessible to the interested student. No specialist knowledge is required.

About the Instructor

  • Eric Kaufmann

    Eric Kaufmann is professor of politics at Birkbeck, University of London. He specialises in nationalism, political demography, and demography of the religious and irreligious.

Course Syllabus

  • Part One: The Intellectual History of the Culture Wars
    In Part 1, Professor Eric Kaufmann explores the intellectual history of the culture wars. He sets out the point of division between cultural socialists and classic liberals, whilst providing a comprehensive account on the origins of the culture wars.
  • Part Two: The Conflicts and Solutions to Culture Wars
    In Part Two, Prof. Kaufmann will examine how the culture wars are affecting our institutions, whilst offering up his new solution to how we can tackle the culture wars, and overcome the current division within society.