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The Solo Talk: The future of psychedelic research and therapy

Monday 6th March - 07:20 PM GMT

The Solo Talk: The future of psychedelic research and therapy

The fight for the right to research


For a long time, our treatments for mental health haven’t seen dramatic improvements in outcomes. Psychedelics have the potential to offer up a new treatment path but it is still often an uphill struggle to pass ethics approval and raise funding.

David Nutt has spent his lifetime fighting for the right to research psychedelics and has often highlighted uncomfortable truths about our evidence-lacking prohibition of these potentially lifesaving medicines.

Join Professor David Nutt as he explores the current state of the field and how these substances could revolutionise the way we treat mental health.


17:00 GMT - Sacred Weeds DokboxCinema

17:15 GMT - The Opening Interview: Demystifying psychedelics The Lounge

18:00 GMT - The Debate: The psychedelic revolution arena

19:00 GMT - Chasing Happiness DokboxCinema

19:20 GMT - The Solo Talk: The future of psychedelic research and therapy arena

19:30 GMT - Dream Kollective stage

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David Nutt

Fierce defender of science-based policy

David Nutt is director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit in the Division of Brain Sciences at Imperial College, London and the author of Psychedelics.