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Big Sofa Interview - Stephen Wolfram

Monday 11th July - 05:15 PM BST

Big Sofa Interview - Stephen Wolfram

Simple laws, complex universe

From the intricacy of the human eye, to the systems that govern our feeling and thought, the universe is full of boundless complexity.

But many wonder where the origins of this lie. Join computer scientist, physicist, businessman and founder of the Wolfram Physics Project, Stephen Wolfram, in this exclusive, live interview.

Wolfram will chart a riveting journey through the nature of reality, how a few fundamental laws created never-ending novelty and complexity, and the radical implications this has for the future of physics. 

Documentary Screening - DOKBOX Cinema

Big Sofa Interview - The Lounge
Simple Laws, Complex Universe

Headline Debate - The Arena
The Shock of The Future

Meet The Speakers - The Lounge

Documentary Screening - DOKBOX Cinema

Talk - The Arena
The Crisis of Cosmology

Music - The Stage

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Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram is a grondbreaking computer scientist, physicist, and founder of the Wolfram Physics Project. He is best known for his work in computer science, mathematics and theoretical physics.