Cosmology’s crisis challenges scientific realism

MOND vs Dark Matter

Dark matter has never been detected, yet it is a key part of the dominant theory of cosmology. An alternative theory, MOND, is empirically equivalent and more successful at making predictions. But the fact that it has no place for the existence of dark matter is a problem for scientific realists who see science as building on past theories. MOND would signal a break with our current cosmological model, making a mockery of the idea of scientific progress as gradually getting closer to a true account of reality, argues David Merritt.


The universe is vast, and the longer we observe it, the more we learn about its composition and structure. But historians of science tell us that periods of steady growth in science tend to last only so long: they are interrupted by revolutions during which the old assumptions are thrown out and a radically new set are brought in. The initial decades of the twentieth century witnessed a number of such episodes. Classical mechanics and electromagnetism were replaced by quantum electrodynamics, Newton’s theory of gravity and motion was replaced by Einstein’s. The changes in these theories were so radical that even basic concepts like mass and time acquired fundamentally new meanings.

But it has been rather a long time since a major shift of this sort took place, and it is natural to wonder whether scientific revolutions are a thing of the past. Some philosophers of science seem to think so. For instance, John Worrall wrote in 2007 that “it is reasonable to believe that the successful theories in mature science–-the unified theories that explain the phenomena without ad hoc assumptions . . . are, if you like, approximately true.”

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Konstantin Pavlovich 30 October 2023

Dark matter, dark energy, the big bang and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. What kind of ignoramuses and mediocrity these so-called "scientists-cosmologists" are described in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin. The book can be downloaded from Amazon for 10 days for free.

Bud Rapanault 29 October 2023

As the author alludes in the final paragraph, the term "scientific realism" is disingenuously applied to a philosophical stance that is decidedly unrealistic: "the entities posited by [mature theories], or, at any rate, entities very similar to those posited, do inhabit the world”. A more historically accurate name for that rather delusional belief would be mathematicism - defined as the metaphysical belief that mathematics underlies and determines the nature of physical reality.

Mathematicism explains why modern theoretical physicists believe in things that aren't there - they believe their model is correct and the model needs invisible things to "fit" actual observations so those invisible things have to be there because the model is correct - which is a classic example of the logical error known as circular reasoning. So on the basis of a transparent logical error theoretical physicists insist that physical reality is full of things that aren't there.

It is not just dark matter that fails to make an appearance in physical reality; the entirety of the standard model's defining elements are not found in empirical reality: the big bang event with its absurdly inexplicable original condition, the inflation event, Wheeler's causally-interacting spacetime, and dark energy are also not found in the Cosmos we actually observe. That is the mess that mathematicism has made of modern cosmology. Math is not physics. People who elevate mathematical models over empirical reality are not scientists; they are mathematicists and their pet theory, ΛCDM is unscientific nonsense.

The situation in modern cosmology is exactly analogous to that of Ptolemaic cosmology. The fundamental axioms of the ΛCDM model, essentially the expanding universe paradigm, is simply wrong. Until the expanding universe assumption is dropped, much as geocentrism had to be discarded, modern cosmology will remain an unscientific wasteland - a primitive belief system with no basis in empirical reality.

Elrick 28 October 2023

The book 'Ways of Being' by James Bridle is well worth reading by everyone to open up our minds, scientists and lay folk alike, to new ways of thinking/being. It seems nonsensical to be blocking any advance by a 'belief' in dark matter/energy as 90% +/- of existence when we have no evidence of its actuality.