Cutting edge science at HowTheLightGetsIn Global

The IAI's online festival

The IAI's online festival HowTheLightGetsIn returns in September, bigger and better than ever. We'll be discussing the biggest topics from science, philosophy, politics, and the arts. 

Over the weekend 19-20 September, there will be more than 200 events on eight stages, streaming live from DelhiLondon and New York. Whatever continent you call home, you will be able to join the festival and take part in a time zone close to your own. Explore the festival here

We're thrilled to have a host of leading scientists  joining us to debate the underlying issues shaping the science of tomorrow - from researcher and author of The Science Delusion Rupert Sheldrake, chairman of Humanity+ Natasha Vita-More and philosopher of mind and AI researcher Susan Schneider debating the potential of mind-computer interface technology, all the way to Stanford professor (author of the most downloaded paper in history Why Most Published Research Findings Are False) John Ioannidis, theoretical physicist and winner of the 2020 Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists for her theory of massive gravity Claudia de Rham, and sociologist of science and author of Are We All Scientific Experts Now Harry Collins discussing the importance of replicability and objectivity in science. Not to mention Sabine Hossenfelder, Chris Impey, Henry Marsh, Patrick Haggard, Anil Anathaswamy, Bernadka Dubicka, and many more still to be announced. 

Sign up for a Latest & Library Live subscription and get six months access to as well as a festival ticket. Or add four months subscription to your ticket when you buy here

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