How has 2020 changed your mind?

World Philosophy Day 2020

For this year’s World Philosophy Day, we asked eight philosophers how 2020 has changed their minds. With more time for imagination and introspection than ever before, what have these philosophers been thinking and what have they realised?

Their answers throw up some subtle, surprising ideas. From Sabine Hossenfelder watching philosophy of science enter the center-stage to Massimo Pigliucci stoically drinking apperitivos on Zoom, these philosophers give us new ways to think about this unexpected year.

Amidst the medical crisis, Neil Levy found a green upside: if we can follow the science to fight Covid-19, we can do the same for climate change. Meanwhile Hilary Lawson despaired at our inability to read data and Steve Fuller realized that education and democracy don’t mix. Finding an authoritarian streak, Graham Harman wondered if some ‘Asian-style’ freedom would make the partying youth fall into line.

There were also more ponderous lines: On masks, Dermot Moran mused over Emmanuel Levinas’ claim that the human face is the primary ethical demand, turning this idea on its head. And, perhaps the most introspective, John Milbank recognized the web of his identity and planed joyful path, like a bee. From high politics to minute personal experience, these are deeper ways to understand the upheavals in our lives.


Massimo Pigliucci

I must admit that, contra the prompt for this series of commentaries, the covid 2020 experience has confirmed a number of philosophical and scientific ideas I already had. And spectacularly so.

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goalken highlight 19 December 2020

A very meaningful event, I hope everything will go well <a href="">run 3</a>

Vyacheslav Dianov 21 November 2020

The problem of philosophers is the limitation of objectively understanding the world and, as a result, a primitive reaction to the coronavirus. The pandemic, unfortunately, does not teach philosophers and scientists to delve deeper into the causes of this phenomenon.
The solution to the problem should not be reduced only to the material side of the issue. What is the meaning, what thoughts and feelings does a person live - this is the main question?
If, from this point of view, indicate the correct Way of overcoming the problem, then it consists in offering a more reasonable understanding of man and the world than his modern ideas.
At present, the existing teachings about man and the world, which civilization lives, are not able to objectively explain Being. Philosophy offers only a descriptive, but not an explanatory nature of Knowledge. Science, in fact, reduced some unknowns to other, no less unknown quantities, that is, Knowledge was created, which is a manipulation of inexplicable quantities.
The limitation of philosophy and science consists in a one-sided view of the world, they study the material environment accessible to observation, they really live on one component of the world - matter. Therefore, he is not able to rationally understand and explain the second component, and this is the "invisible world" - spirit, soul, human consciousness, etc.
In an objective worldview, they must have a real, physical source that creates them and He is!
The Bible confirms this - "My kingdom is not of this world ..."! This biblical postulate "Harmonious worldview" explains as follows - the world is controlled not from the material, but from the actually existing non-material component!
Spirit (non-material field) controls matter!
Therefore, the causes of all material events, including epidemics and diseases, must be sought not in matter, but in the immaterial Spirit!