In Defence of Gossip

Could gossip serve a vital social function?

Like many natural human behaviours, gossip has a much maligned past. Seen largely as a petty sin, a waste of time and a sign of shallowness or cruelty, gossip is nevertheless a viscerally enjoyable human activity. People from every culture engage in the universal pleasure of discussing those close to them; sharing secrets and judgements in a form of bonding which encompasses the community as well as the individual.

Much like watching apes eating the lice from one another’s coats, gossip repels the outside observer with its exaggerated intimacy and relish for the disgusting. Yet what does our love of gossip really tell us about ourselves? It tells us that we care enough about other people to discuss them, that we feel part of a community which includes those about whom we are gossiping. Ultimately, it is proof that we care sufficiently about our group to be invested in the seemingly banal trivia of their lives – trivia which without these ties we would find absolutely tedious. Surely this is a good thing?

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