Is Religion Necessarily Irrational?

Religion reasonably puts the relation between the individual and the collective at its core

Today liberal culture speaks of ‘the Enlightenment legacy’, as if we thought that reason suddenly sprang from nowhere in the Eighteenth Century. Equivalently, we think of religion and especially Christianity as a matter of emotion and faith which is extra-rational, if not downright irrational, and dangerously opposed to the rational ventures of scientific understanding.

However, this is a very foreshortened perspective. Up till relatively recent times, few people thought of religion and reason as being in opposition to each other. This was primarily because they thought of reason itself as something essentially spiritual.

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Vern London 27 August 2021

Commenting here in these columns, a futile exercise; I have never seen an author showing minimum social courtesy of responding to a comment! Are those who comment, lesser mortals?