Is There An Objective Morality?

It's context specific and can go out-of-date

In 1920, the U.S. introduced a nationwide ban on alcohol by passing the Eighteenth Amendment. It lated reconsidered and repealed the ban in 1933 with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment.  In 2015, the killings prompted by the Charlie Hebdo cartoons made westerners acutely aware of prohibitions against representations of the Prophet Muhammed in Wahabbist Islam. Yet there exist examples of Islamic art from the 13th and 15th centuries, which freely contain such representations. And, lest we forget, the history of Christianity also features people like John Calvin, who not only banned representations of God, but, like the Taliban, forbade dancing as well, and condemned music as being sinful.

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mlsloan 17 July 2019

Based on your game theory work, I was expecting you to be advocating for a morality as cooperation perspective. Or are you advocating for something slightly different?
I ask because I see the morality as cooperation perspective as implying different conclusions than you have described. For example:
1) Morality as cooperation (MAC) instructs us how to increase the benefits of cooperation in groups rather than “morality instructs us to behave in ways that are conducive to satisfying everyone’s individual preferences to the greatest extent possible”
2) MAC tells us descriptively moral behaviors are elements of cooperation strategies that are as innate to our universe as the mathematics of game theory rather than “Moral truths are not written into the fabric of the universe, but are socially constructed”
MAC as I understand it makes a strong case for the mind-independent ultimate source of morality being the same cooperation dilemmas which all species must solve in order to form highly cooperative societies. But that does not seem to be what you are concluding. Have I misunderstood?