Issue 59: Gravity

What makes gravity so elusive?

What is gravity? What makes it so elusive? Why do our theories continue to change? Is it time to consider radical alternatives?

The Nobel prize in physics has just been awarded to three scientists for their work detecting gravitational waves, confirming a prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

In 2011, the Nobel committee recognized another discovery — the accelerated expansion of the universe — that conflicts with the predictions of Einstein’s theory.

Do Einstein’s ideas truly hold the answers? Insights in quantum mechanics show his theory crumbling at the sub-atomic level while the mystery of the accelerating expansion of the universe must be solved with yet another mystery: dark energy. 

And so despite huge advances - like the detection of gravitational waves - the elusive phenomenon of gravity, considered by many as physics’ greatest challenge, continues to stump the best minds in science.

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Peter Morgan 3 October 2017

Should there also be a teleparallelism article? A different perspective, and all that? [To quote the "About IAI" page, "in search of alternative and better ways to hold the world".] Modify the torsion component of the parallel transport away from trivial instead of modifying the metric, and its flat torsion Christoffel parallel transport, away from flat?
From a QFT perspective, a nontrivial torsion field on a flat metric background space might be a worthwhile approach. Not a mainstream idea, of course, but even so there are many papers and books on the subject.