The New Utopianism

Has individualism become hopelessly 'utopian'?

The term “utopia” is used in two distinct ways:

1)       As a term of criticism; as in: “Your ideas are utopian; they are uselessly over-idealistic, they could never work.”

2)       As a term of positive appraisal; as in: “These utopian ideas give one real hope: the utopia they describe would be worth aiming for.”

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sam karol 8 July 2021

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Han Ibsen 2 February 2017

@C Downes, Is population reduction not just shifting reponsibllity onto future generations when change needs to happen now? I'm going vegan and stopping flying

C Downes 2 February 2017

I can't help but feel that this need to love our descendants might be at odds with the fact that overpopulation is one of main reasons we are 'doomed' in the first place. For a truly utopian society, perhaps we should encourage people to have fewer descendants, rather than love them more.