Behind medicine's apparent Biblical authority lies an inquisitional apparatus aimed at silencing dissent. It is run by corporate PR and scientific planning agencies, backed by academic expertise, and its aim is to ensure that prescribing doctors keep on prescribing. The heretic ends up in the broad light of day, but the persecutor hides in the shadows.
I should know. In a lecture for IAI, I outlined some of the many things that can be done to intimidate doctors – especially those who suggest that a brand-name drug might have significant adverse events. At the time the talk was being given I was being referred again to the General Medical Council (GMC). Further details of this will be announced soon. Readers will be invited to work out who is attempting to commit the murder, with what, and why.
In this case is it the local health board, clinical colleagues, the relevant Royal College, the GMC itself, one of the major pharmaceutical companies, or even the Government?
A brief history of medicine
For millennia we have struggled with death and disease. In the 1950s there was a huge increase in the number of truly effective medicines, and this has played a part in improving life-spans and quality of life, in particular among children. These new drugs supported the creation of the National Health Service: effective treatments make populations healthier and more effective at work, so the provision of services offering such treatments makes a country better able to compete with others.
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