The prejudices of philosophers

How who you are affects what you think

We all think we believe what we believe for good reasons – especially philosophers. However, as figures such as Nietzsche, William James and Iris Murdoch have suggested, what we believe may be influenced far more by our psychology and life experiences, rather than by logic and reason, writes David Bryce Yaden and Derek Anderson.


How do philosophers come to endorse one view over another? One might imagine an impartial analysis of the merits of various arguments. Indeed, we don’t doubt that this accounts for the majority of the process. But what other influences­­––perhaps more psychological––should we consider? That is the question that we explored in our new paper, “The Psychology of Philosophy.” [1]

One potential influence on a given philosopher’s views may be their personality or other psychological traits. Does a philosopher’s disposition relate to complicated philosophical views, such as whether free will exists, whether one endorses deontological or consequentialist ethical views, or whether morality and aesthetics are objective or subjective? These questions are not new.

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Esther an 23 July 2021

I have been following this research since long which is taking place at Hopkins University and this is influenced by philosophy and by life experiences. For more prejudices of philosophers you must try services. Keep sharing such kind of informational stuff.

Sam Nuzbrokh 21 June 2021

Nice quality content! Thanks for sharing.

Sam |