The Shame Game

Today's Twitter scandals can seem as backward as the pillory. Why this curious shame about shame?

Shame today has been dangerously trivialised. It has become a weapon of private war – a constant and cowardly emission of spite and bile through the air-waves. Children, teenagers and even adults are now ready to globally expose the physical foibles and embarrassments of their temporary enemies. They are also ready to reveal to all and sundry their chance unfortunate remarks. These things can lead to long term despair and suicide. They are literally murderous.

Equally, shame is attached to remarks held to reveal positions about which we are supposed to feel guilt – remarks deemed elitist, sexist, racist, homophobic, islamophobic and so forth. These are seen as abusive in relations to various notions of assumed human right, but the focus on outward shame suggests that rights themselves are now reduced to the correct categorisations and formalisations in mere words. In this way the prime public sin is becoming one of usage rather than deed. Once again this attachment of severe blame to passing or chance remarks scan be extremely violent – careers and relationships are sometimes ruined as a result.  Just as Twitter has reduced reflection to instant emoting, so our judgement of people is being diverted from viewing their records in the round towards castigation of momentary lapses. This seems like a reversion to morality and legality as the breaking of taboo – though in a manner far cruder than the way in which taboo anciently worked.

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