The new threat to the Standard Model

A first step towards a new theory

A new experimental result has shaken the world of particle physics. The W boson, it turns out, is a lot heavier than we thought. This poses a challenge to our most successful and tested theory about the fabric of the universe so far: the Standard Model. And while this one experimental result might not be enough on its own to overthrow the theory, it already points in the direction of a theory that could, writes Martin Bauer.


Recently the mass of the W boson has been measured by the Collider Detector at Fermilab with unprecedented precision and a surprising result. The recent result disagrees wildly with all previous measurements of the W boson's mass, but this result is no fluke. To give you an idea of the precision of this latest measurement and  how unlikley it is that this result is a mistake, consider this: if you weigh yourself multiple times with different scales you would expect to see some discrepancy. But an equivalent discrapancy like the one between the most recent measurement and the previous measurements of the W boson's mass, would statistically occur only after you've weighed yourself 1 billion times.

21 08 12.Hints of a new fundamental force NEW SUGGESTED READING Hints of a new fundamental force By Harry Cliff Measuring the properties of the W boson precisely is very important. From stellar fusion to carbon dating, the mass of the W boson affects many calculations that underly our understanding of the Universe. For instance, its mass is linked to the lifetimes of other particles, which in turn are important for understanding how the Universe developed after the Big Bang. But perhaps the most important consequence of this latest measurement of the W boson’s mass is that it puts it in tension with our most successful theory about particle physics: the Standard Model.

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Mike Pollock 22 May 2022

Wow Bud. You hit it on the nail. These problems are what happens when science decided to create the universe from some unexplainable point.
All the energy we see was caused by gravity. It was caused by our universe turning itself into a gargantuan particle collider just like any of the ones here on Earth. Particle colliders create quark plasma shrapnel and our universe created quark plasma shrapnel as the galaxies. That's where all the energy came from to give the galaxies their energy and make them expand.
This W boson heaviness is due to science thinking that a cloud of gas and dust can create a star. This assumption puts all the emphasis on normal matter to create the gravity. This simultaneously ignores the other 95% of our universe which is dark matter. Unfortunately, dark matter is the field that is manipulated to create gravity just like Einstein surmised.
Edwin Hubble discovered the galaxies expanding, not the universe. All the problems science has are due to this theory that was concocted by a Belgian priest 100 years ago named Georges Lamaitre. He wanted the world to see the universe as he was taught it happened and the scientific community fell for it. Never mind any laws being applied to what happened 13.8 billion years ago. That aspect was come ignored. A collision happening in an already existing, static universe is the only way what we see could have happened.
The w boson heaviness, along with the muon wobble, are created by the dark matter showering us with trillions of electron neutrinos every second. These measurements are off because of the big bang theory. Black holes are misunderstood but the worst outcome of this theory is the insistence that fusion is the ultimate energy of the universe. It isn't, quark plasma is this energy. It is obvious that fusion isn't working because it has been created for 80 years never expelling more energy than was put into it. The real energy uses the strong force between quarks and the electron neutrinos of space that make up dark matter. Once quarks have been separated, it is the pressure and density of the field of electron neutrinos that is able to keep the quarks apart indefinitely. Dark matter becomes the endless catalyst for this reaction. As a result, the strong force between the quarks and electron neutrinos throws the neutrinos out of the reaction as gamma rays. The quarks and electron neutrinos create all the naturally occurring elements all by themselves from the outside of the mass inward. Supernovae simply do not exist. We live on an ex-black hole.

Bud Rapanault 19 May 2022

Here is the only physically meaningful statement in this article:

"But once they are produced, W bosons decay immediately and determining their mass requires measurements of the decay products and reconstructing it from these measurements."

What this means in terms of physics is that no one has ever observed a W boson. It also means that the "mass of the W" has been inferred from the observation of quotidian particles that can be observed. Calling an inferred estimate a precision measurement is disingenuous nonsense The W boson, like the Higgs and Z (not to mention quarks and gluons) have never been directly observed. They exist in the standard model, there is no evidence except via model dependent inference that they exist in physical reality.

According to the standard model, the W boson has a half-life of 3x10^-25 seconds. That time interval is too small to detect which means that the existence of the W is indistinguishable from its non-existent. This is very convenient for the standard model's proponents, who get to pretend to detect something they cannot possibly detect by inference from things they can detect, in this case electrons and muons. This is not a scientific approach to understanding physical reality; it is an unscientific philosophical approach called mathematicism.

Mathematicism is the scientifically unjustified belief that mathematics underlies and determines the nature of physical reality. Once that illogical Pandora's Box was opened in the 20th century and became the de facto operating paradigm for theoretical physics the decline of the standard models (particle physics and cosmology) into metaphysical nonsense was assured.

I want to be unequivocally clear about this. Observed physical reality does not contain quarks, gluons, W, Z, and Higgs bosons (this list is not exhaustive). The standard model does not resemble the physical reality we observe and measure. Science is supposed to be the study of those things we can observe and measure. Modern theoretical physics has devolved into the study of two simplistic models based on outdated (@100 year old) assumptions that the community appears intellectually incapable of reconsidering. Modern theoretical physics is an unscientific wasteland.