There might be just one multiverse

Unity within worlds of possibility

The idea of the multiverse has at least two conceptually distinct sources in theoretical physics: quantum mechanics and cosmology. The many worlds of quantum mechanics are very different in terms of their nature and origin from cosmology’s multiverse. However, physicists have reason to believe that ultimately, these two distinct multiverses are in fact one and the same, writes David Wallace.


In big-budget science-fiction and fantasy franchises, the “multiverse” is a collection of universes – some quite like our own, some differing from ours only in the way some historical event played out or some person’s life unfolded, some vastly different and filled with strange wonders. But in the drier and more disciplined world of modern physics, “multiverse” means… well, pretty much the same, only without the prospect of easily moving from one universe to the next. The multiverse of physics is revealed more subtly, by hints hidden in our observations and our theories.

Or rather: the multiverses of physics are revealed more subtly. For remarkably, physics gives us not one but three different multiverses, and reasons to accept all three.

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Bud Rapanault 14 October 2023

Physics, defined as the study of physical reality, does indeed provide good evidence for the astronomical multiverse. The field of galaxies that extends in all directions as far as our observational instruments have reached suggests that the early astronomers were correct when they described the galaxies as Island Universes. If that intuition had formed the basis for our cosmological model rather than the simplified (for mathematical convenience) assumption that the vast Cosmos we observe constitutes a simultaneously existing Universe we would not be stuck with the absurd, illogical, not to mention incoherent, expanding universe of the Big Bang Theory.

As to the multiverse fantasies of the theoretical physics community, they are no more related to physical reality than is creation theory. Those multiverses, as the author admits, have nothing to do with empirical reality; those multiverses only exist between the ears of the people who choose to believe in them.

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is just a lazy philosophical attempt to elide the shortcoming of the QM math that cannot predict the outcome of individual experiments. String Theory is just some math based on an unprovable conjecture about undetectable vibrating strings which has produced over its half-century of existence not one meaningful scientific insight. The multiverses of the theoretical physics community are junk science.