In defence of post-realism

Relating language to a boundless world

Realists might claim that paradoxes of self-reference can be theorized away but the question remains: how can language describe its own relationship to the world? Rather than being true or false, language is a tool to be judged by its usefulness. From holocaust denial to Trump’s election win, the way to counter problematic opinions is not a decree of falsity but by a demonstration of their worthlessness when engaging with the world, writes Hilary Lawson.


In response to criticisms that I made of realism in my previous article, Timothy Williamson has two primary lines of response. The first is that while the paradoxes of self-reference might not have been solved we have possible strategies. And the second is a counter-challenge to postrealism that if there is no truth there is also no falsity, and that cannot be a viable position. Yet, neither of these addresses the failures of realism, and they misunderstand the force and potential of postrealism.

Let me begin with self-reference. Moving on from his original claims of 'progress' by Tarski and Kripke, Timothy Williamson cites others who have possible strategies to formulate a consistent logic that incorporates self-reference.  The claim is that unlike Tarski they avoid the problem of arbitrarily outlawing self-reference by allowing self-reference but changing the 'principles about truth to not apply in some cases'.  Yet in effect this amounts to the same thing. In fact Tarski's own account could be described in this way since his hierarchy of languages succeeds only by providing an account of truth - namely that no language is allowed to contain its own truth predicate - that at once makes genuine self-reference impossible.  In these instances the definitions of truth are formulated to outlaw what would otherwise be paradoxical self-referential claims.

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Waldemar M. Reis 12 March 2021

I just don't see how the proposed strategies put aside judgment of propositions as 'true' or 'false'. It is obvious that a tool cannot be true or false, because these values apply only to propositions or signs, but the assumption on the utility of a tool, which is a proposition, will always be judged as true or false. It seems impossible not to rely ultimately on those values to asses the validity or the consistency of an utterance whatsoever, as well as in no way language can be seen as other than a tool to describe 'reality', regardless of how what is described seem to vary according to the circumstance.

So, the issue of denials, whether absurd or not, has to do with the evidence for them, as usual, and with showing that it is or not sufficient for having them confirmed or refuted. Finding facts that confirm any claims, however, is not easy, and the persistence of a doubt is, first of all, a symptom that the evidence for or against the claim isn't adequate, and that continued uncertainty ends up as a good tool to pull a row of conflicts that for some reason cannot stand at the front-line in some discussions: Trump's 'victory' and the denial of the Holocaust can be only facades for other questions that either are not clearly formulated or whose direct approach is considered somehow a strategic mistake. The recent demonstrations and fights throughout the streets of the world are examples of both situations, because what is vindicated through them (questions of race, inequality, submission to governments' ill-decisions, etc.) has always behind it the total and long failure of the system, whose core is the economy, and the need to change radically its roots, since there is no mending to it, although this piece of knowledge is both ignored by many and denied by those intent on finding to it a fix (because still profiting someway from it).

Finding the truth is rather a stand of sincerity towards oneself, of self examination, and demands braveness as much as skill. And it doesn't thwart acting in the world, since such is impossible, although it isn't also a guarantee of acting rightly.

Essay UK 9 March 2021