The hidden occult history of action at a distance
Liberating female sexuality
Flattening the natural and artificial
The modern world vs primordial forces
The implications of an uncertain boundary
Can technological nature replace the real thing?
Making sense of our essence
Interventionism or isolationism
The big data delusion
Scrutiny and context in science
Taking the self out of statistics
Are they simply mad, bad and dangerous?
Are all scientific articles fraud?
How our private beliefs can have public effects
The dangerous power of images
Controlling context
Are we really on the brink of a big discovery?
Bringing consciousness back to the quantum table
America needs an existential awakening
Reuniting opposing positions
Problems with the Big Bang's credibility
Absurdist fiction and absurdist philosophy
Scepticism and simulation
How hard is the hard problem of consciousness?
The search for meaning and value
Scientific practice is much older than we think
Demography and migration
Does loss of memory mean loss of self?
The real muddle of autobiography
Metaphysics manifested in art
Husserl, Heidegger and our social nature
The self is not in the brain, or the mind