We tend to assume that our wages or salaries should, and will always rise in real terms. That living standards will follow the same trajectory. That house prices will never fall. That the price of Picasso paintings or ruby rings can be trusted always to “smash records”. And that the economy will “grow’ exponentially over time. Indeed “economic growth” is hard-wired in the way we think about, and measure the economy.
This is delusional stuff, if only in linguistic terms. “Growth” derives from nature. Plants are seeded, animals are born, they grow, mature and then die. And although humans mostly live in denial of the reality, our lives follow the same trajectory.
Death is as inevitable as taxes.
We know, in our heart of hearts, that there are limits. That markets and firms, grow, mature and then die – or implode. Think of the market for sub-prime mortgages, CDOs, credit default swaps or even that for chimney sweeps. Think of firms like Woolworths, HMV, PanAm, Arthur Andersen or Enron.
They are no more.
There are limits. Not just to the lifespan of firms, markets and human lives, but above all to our ecosystem and planet.
So why, when we apply this language to the economy do we assume ‘growth’ is limitless?
In fact this delusion is a recent one. Before the 1960s economists, most notably Keynes, discussed the economy in terms of “levels” of activity. They were concerned with the level of output, the level of employment, and the level of prices. Was the level too high – and therefore inflationary? Or was the level too low – threatening recession? Or was it just right – sustainable?
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