The universe didn't exist before it was perceived

Schopenhauer and the beginning of time

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" For Schopenhauer, the answer is no. And he takes the reasoning even further, before there were conscious beings, the universe did not exist. While such an argument sounds paradoxical, if not ridiculous – if the universe did not exist, how were conscious beings formed? – Schopenhauer finds a grounding for his idealist intuitions in his idea of the will, writes Christopher Ryan.


According to Schopenhauer, “everyone is conscious of all philosophical truths on an intuitive level or in concrete fashion: but to bring these truths to abstract knowledge, to reflection, is the business of philosophers, who should do, and can do, nothing else.” (WWRI, 410)

Included within this set of truths cognised by everyone at the intuitive level is transcendental idealism, or the philosophical position that the objects of ordinary experience – tables, dogs, numbers, molecules, and indeed all worlds existing in space and time – depend for both the fact that they exist, and the forms under which they appear, on the mind that knows them. For Schopenhauer this truth is so close to us that it is often missed, but when we return to the first fact of consciousness, we realise that we do not encounter a sun and an earth, but an eye that sees a sun, a hand that feels an earth. “No truth”, says Schopenhauer, “is more certain, no truth is more independent of all others and no truth is less in need of proof than this one: that everything there is for cognition (i.e. the whole world) is only an object in relation to a subject, an intuition of a beholder, is, in a word, representation.” (WWRI, 23-24)

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Nick Standlea 29 March 2024

Have you seen Dr Donald Hoffman's work on consciousness existing before space & time? I think you might be very interested in this YouTube episode interview with Donald Hoffman -- the show even begins with a quote from Schopenhauer!

To find it search "Donald Hoffman Nick Standlea Show". Enjoy!

David Wishengrad Exorcist, 1st class 29 March 2024

P.P.S. Schopenhauer contradicted his own claims when using life to even imply that the possibility could exist that life and living life has no meaning or value. Unfortunately, it appears no one was there to point out to him his error. I can do it now because of all of the hard work and thought and science and education that was already done and shared with me.

Sentient life has the capacity to love and love can make possibilities exist that would not otherwise exist. While there may be death and suffering and that may always continue, the needless and preventable suffering and death, has a cure. It isnthe very Truth of the Importance of Life itself shared in my first comment. We really do have the cure for that. Currently, the vast majority of people who are themselves claiming to represent life's truthful interests and leading in life causes that I have already shared this knowledge with did not want the general public to have the cure and have withheld the knowledge of its existence from their peers and have done so without a single substantiated logical and ethical reason ever once being presented to justify doing that. To so say "we have rampant fraud leading in our life causes" must be the biggest understatement of the entire millennium. Not only did Inplace the very Truth that is the cure freely in their hands, they either didn't have a clue that they should care about that and takenit seriously or they intentionally withheld it. Neither person should be claiming to represent life's truthful interests. Those are cery people who actually do hold the complete and total responsibility for causing every single case of needless and preventable suffering and death that never occurs ngoing forward. They have already judged themselves guilty with the authority that having knowledge of this Truth grants, againts my repeated attempts warn them not to make that mistake and how to avoid it by genuinely inviting our Master: Truth and Life into their hearts. A person who does that will never and can never dismiss and stifle the very Truth of the Importance of Life itself and simultaneously claim to represent life's truthful interests. e.g. judge themselves guilty of the only unforgivable sin and the single act of the most wicked and soulless pure unforgivable evil ever possible.

It's widespread . A person claiming to represent life's truthful interests whontakes any sort of issue with this Truth, even by not responsibly publicly affirming it and sharing and endorsing it going forward, has no legitimate ethical business leading in life causes or claiming to represent life's truthful interests. Not ever. There are no exceptions. They don't want the general public to have knowledge of a Truth so high, ues it is the very highest self-evident truth that we all share is common, that their fraud is revealed. They don't nhave a higher truth to present and they don't have a single rebuttal between them all or anyone else to justify withholding the cure while simultaneously claiming to represent life's truthful interests. They need to go. Life causes are not for them to be leading in. They are actually doing the greatest harm of all

David Wishengrad Exorcist, 1st class 29 March 2024

P.S. Mr. Christopher Ryan,

This is one of the best pieces of work I have read on the internet written by someone in journalism.
Great job by your and your team to explain this all as well as you you did. Thank you for trying so hard.

David Wishengrad Exorcist, 1st class 29 March 2024

e.g. "Life is Most Important in Life is The Most Important Truth in Life" and "The Most Important Truth in Life is Life is Most Important in Life"

Those are two correct wordings of the very Truth of the Importance of Life itself.

Needless and preventable suffering and death can only occur after the Truth that Life is Most Important has been dismissed and stifled.

The human race currently has the knowledge of the very Truth that is the cure and what it is and how it is correctly worded. A person who does not agree with that Truth and endorse it going forward once shared it is choosing to not honestly care about the very Truth of the Importance of Life itself, and so cannot be a person who is choosing to honestly care about Life and Truth and so should not be claiming to represent life's truthful interests because they either have no clue that they should be taking this information seriously and doing the most with it or do and have chosen the side of evil. Neither person should be currently claiming to represent life's truthful interests and for them to do it anyway is lying and fraud.