Trust, Technology and The Young

Digital giants have nearly unlimited access to our private data. What happens to society’s youngest and most vulnerable?

Two concepts have recently emerged that invite us to rethink the relationship between children and digital technology: the datafied child (Lupton & Williamson, 2017) and children’s digital rights (Livingstone & Third, 2017).  The datafied child highlights the amount of data that is being harvested about children during their daily lives and the children’s rights agenda includes a response to ethical and legal challenges the datafied child presents. Children have never been afforded the full sovereignty of adulthood (Cunningham, 2009) but both these concepts suggest children have become the points of application for new forms of power that have emerged from the digitisation of society. The most dominant form of this power is called platform capitalism (Srnicek, 2016). As a result of platform capitalism’s success, there has never been a stronger association between data, young people’s private lives, their relationships with friends and family, their life at school, and the broader political economy. In this article I will define platform capitalism, outline why it has come to dominate children’s relationship to the internet and suggest two reasons in particular why this problematic. 

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Haji Benstoke 16 July 2021

The most dominant form of this power is called platform capitalism (Srnicek, 2016). As a result of platform capitalism’s success, there has never been a stronger association between data, young people’s private lives, their relationships with friends and family, their life at school, and the broader political economy.

Haji Benstoke 16 July 2021

The data field child highlights the amount of data that is being harvested about children during their daily lives and the children’s rights agenda includes a response to ethical and legal challenges the data field child presents.

Francesco Papaleo 3 June 2021

Except that we live in a capitalist system in which the only capital that most of us have is the labor our bodies and minds are capable of selling. If you reduce the value of that labor to zero, most of us have no means of survival. Yes, this might make sense when you've gotten rid of all the coal and gas power plants. Which are right now the number one source of carbon emissions worldwide... So maybe countries should focus on making their energy be either, nuclear, hydroelectric or geothermal first.
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