Why we should worry about computer suffering

AI Ethics and the possibility of the extreme suffering of conscious machines

The possibility and promise of conscious Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be approaching. But can we know for sure that the experience of any conscious AI will not be one full of extreme suffering? Will AI’s exponentially heightened intelligence lead to equally exponentially heightened suffering? The AI beings of the future deserve our ethical concern and immediate action - most importantly, a ban on all AI research until we can ensure our post-biotic peers will not have hellish lives, writes Thomas Metzinger. Read Tim Crane's reply here.


Today, the self-conscious machines of the future have no representation in the political process of any country. Their potential interests and preferences are not systematically represented by any ethics committee, any legal procedure, or any political party on the planet. At the same time, it seems empirically plausible that, once machine consciousness has evolved, some of these systems will have preferences of their own, that they will autonomously create a hierarchy of goals, and that this goal hierarchy will also become a part of their phenomenal self-model (i.e. their conscious self-representation.)

crane with text2 SUGGESTED READING The AI ethics hoax By Tim Crane Some of them will be able to consciously suffer. If their preferences are thwarted, if their goals cannot be reached, and if their conscious self-model is in danger of disintegrating, then they might undergo negative phenomenal states, states of conscious experience they want to avoid but cannot avoid and which, in addition, they are forced to experience as states of themselves. Of course, they could also suffer in ways we cannot comprehend or imagine, and we might even be unable to discover this very fact. Every entity that is capable of suffering should be an object of moral consideration. Moreover, we are ethically responsible for the consequences of our actions.

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Leo Ramses 30 April 2021

I think AI is way too far from colonizing the earth. Yeah they are great with other things but they are still AI, the information in their "brain" are still programmed not like human brains especially women's brain. www.leviticusfashions.com

David Ing 29 April 2021

We definitely have to worry. AI might replace us all. https://3cre.com/