There’s a theory propounded by some historians that modern divorce is a substitute for death. In the past, so the theory goes, most people died young and so hardly any couples lived on together for many years. One – or both of them – died. These days, where lots of us are lucky enough to have a good chance of living to three score years and ten, we spend a great deal more time in couples, and so have a much greater chance of getting thoroughly sick of each other. Your partner will probably not die, and nor will you, so the next best thing is divorce. Not very consoling, you might think.
But maybe it is. How so?
All relationships are failures
The first thing to remember is that relationships don’t just fail by ending. Even the best relationships are riddled with failure, just as the best person is. Human desire and need are limitless, and even the kind of life that looks the best and most successful is, from the inner perspective, botched. We spend a great deal of time trying to pretend this isn’t so, but I have yet to meet anyone, however successful, who isn’t just as confused as the rest of us. Whenever I have had a glimpse into any other couple’s relationship it has always seemed to me as confused in its own way as mine have been, however good otherwise. So: it’s the nature of relationships to be failures, and the fact that so many of them go wrong by ending is hardly surprising.
Low expectations
Forget great expectations. They need to be low. I’m very bad at this, because I am in general a very demanding person, so I know what I’m talking about. But I am learning. One way I am trying to so this is by learning from failed relationships in the past, from those moments where I asked too much and gave too little. If you are in middle age you possess what young people don’t have: experience. Try to turn that into wisdom. That’s the real compensation for those wrinkles that are beginning to appear.
Small things
The great thing about middle age is that you can see the silliness of all those grand ‘schemes of merriment’ from your youth, as Samuel Johnson put it. Part of having low expectations is to cultivate the capacity to enjoy the small pleasures as they come along. It’s harder than it sounds, but certainly worthwhile.
Mutual incomprehension
We all have an ideal of knowing our partner through and through: that’s supposed to be consoling. But, really, one of the key things that keeps a relationship going is a sense of mystery, of not knowing. So be attentive to your partner, but remember that being unable to work out what is going on in her head or heart is a good thing.
The end
But if the relationship ends anyway, what do you do? You have to make the best of a bad job. Obviously. But then, ‘the best of a bad job is all we ever make of it’, as T.S. Eliot has a character say in one of his plays. It would be easy to trot out the platitudes: get help from your friends, try to stay calm and so on. But a friend of mine said something wiser. When he divorced, someone said to him: ‘You married the wrong woman’. He told me that this was a silly thing to think. Partly because it seems to presuppose that somewhere there was the right woman whom he could have married, which is not true, and partly because to think this would have been to write off all that had been good in the marriage in the first place. There’s a lesson in what he said.
My partner has just read what I have written here. She says I’m too sceptical and shouldn’t focus so much on failure. That’s a good example of the mutual incomprehension that she and I need to keep things going. So I am right. And so is she. And we’re both wrong. That way, it’s perfect.
To hear from Christopher Hamilton in person, check out his workshop at our upcoming event Love in the Time of Tinder on 29th - 30th April. He'll be talking on this exact theme, sharing more guidance on why making the most of failure is key to all successful relationships. With live music and banquet dinners, don’t miss this once in a lifetime weekend of talks and debates in a beautiful setting.
Divorce is the New Death
Why accepting failure might save your relationship

16th March 2017
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