Google's AI is not sentient. Not even slightly

AI consciousness has not arrived yet

A Google AI engineer has been put on leave for thinking an AI has become sentient. However, this is an illusion caused by a clever language model and a human anthropomorphising, writes Gary Marcus.


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Blaise Aguera y Arcas, polymath, novelist, and Google VP, has a way with words. When he found himself impressed with Google’s recent AI system LaMDA, he didn’t just say, “Cool, it creates really neat sentences that in some ways seem contextually relevant”, he said, rather lyrically, in an interview with The Economist on Thursday, 

“I felt the ground shift under my feet … increasingly felt like I was talking to something intelligent.”

Nonsense. Neither LaMDA nor any of its cousins (GPT-3) are remotely intelligent. All they do is match patterns, drawn from massive statistical databases of human language. The patterns might be cool, but language these systems utter doesn’t actually mean anything at all. And it sure as hell doesn’t mean that these systems are sentient. Which doesn’t mean that human beings can’t be taken in. In our book Rebooting AI, Ernie Davis and I called this human tendency to be suckered by The Gullibility Gap — a pernicious, modern version of pareidolia, the anthromorphic bias that allows humans to see Mother Theresa in an image of a cinnamon bun. Indeed, someone well-known at Google, Blake LeMoine, originally charged with studying how “safe” the system is, appears to have fallen in love with LaMDA, as if it were a family member or a colleague. (Newsflash: it’s not; it’s a spreadsheet for words.)

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Fat Tony 16 June 2022

Good summary. Consciousness and sentience are not computable. I don't know whether the explanation for them resides in quantum physics or elsewhere, but it seems clear that it is the non-computable nature of sentience that distinguishes true general intelligence and understanding from mere mechanical computation. Weak AI (the only form of computable AI) in contrast will always just carry out the tasks that we sentient creatures have set for it, and no matter how sophisticated those tasks are, they will never be sentient. There is also something wrong I find with the assumption that strong artificial intelligence will be demonstrated by the ability to pass some sort of test. Does that mean an actual human that failed the test, we should consider their sentience suspect? A baby can't carry on any sort of conversation. But I'm sure it is sentient. It isn't even truly aware of itself or its environment. But I know for a fact that inside that baby is a person experiencing what it feels like to be that baby in that moment, even if that memory is ultimately forgotten over time, in that moment there is someone on the inside. But surely it is not outside the realm of technology to be able to simulate what a baby does since babies display few talents or insights. Similarly I would look at an ant and be quicker to assume the ant has a "someone" on the inside feeling what it is like to be an ant in that moment, even if only on a very primitive and basic level, than assume some clever robot that mimics sophisticated human speech, is actually alive. I believe our best bet to find some sort of genuine intelligence and sentience is quantum physics: if only for a lack of plausible alternatives. It also seems extremely coincidental that computing is heading in that direction in any case.