Issue 58: Don't Be Evil

Trust, Technology and The Young
Digital giants have nearly unlimited access to our private data. What happens to society’s youngest and most vulnerable?
Issue 57: Knowing Others and Knowing Our Selves

Issue 57: Knowing Others and Knowing Our Selves
Are our minds and others' ultimately unknowable?
Smoke and Mirror Neurons
Neuroscience boasts proof of human empathy. Have we jumped to the wrong conclusion?
Issue 56: Morality and Prejudice

The Gamer's Dilemma
The idea of virtual rape provokes universal disgust. So why are we comfortable with children having killed an average of 100,000 people in video games by the age of 18?
Morality, Neuro-myths, and the Spurious Seduction of Evolutionary Ethics
Has neuroscience sold us a lie about the nature of morality?
Issue 55: A Tribal World

A New Nationalism
The left has lost its sense of community and identity. Do we need to reconnect with nationalism before its too late?
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